Listen to the people. No more AIPAC money! Stop funding genocide!
  1. United States
  2. Letter

Listen to the people. No more AIPAC money! Stop funding genocide!

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Signal Mountain, TN

May 2

I am 43 years old. I have followed politics since I was first able to vote. I voted for you. I want you to hear me when I say, I have never been so demoralized by the acts of our nation, my President, our politicians, or our tax dollars at work. Speaking out against Israel is not Antisemitism. Speaking out against Israel is a declaration against war crimes, genocide, using our tax dollars to thwart humanitarian aid from being able to reach people who are starving and using our tax dollars to fund atrocities. Stop taking money from AIPAC, stop funding Israel and start listening to the people. If you look back at history, you should know that you are on the wrong side of it when you approve of and continue to fund Israel's bombardment on civilians. This is not 20 years ago. We all have access to instantaneous live feeds and news from around the world. We can see what is happening and no amount of propaganda and seemingly controlled biased media coverage will combat that.   I have never been so disgusted by the US as I am right now. The rest of the WORLD is watching and you--standing on the wrong side of history protecting and bankrolling the inhumane actions of the Israeli government--bring us nothing but SHAME.

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