Call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza NOW!

To: Sen. O'Mara, Gov. Hochul, Assembly Member Gallahan

From: A verified voter in Seneca Falls, NY

April 28

As a Jew and a human being, I am appalled by your actions that have not only allowed genocide to continue unabated in Gaza, but have actively supported it, all while demonizing the brave people, many of them young students, who are standing up for what is just. Your painting of the brave students at Columbia and elsewhere standing in solidarity with Palestine—many of whom are Jewish—as antisemites and even terrorists is disgusting, absurd, and a sickening perversion of what is meant when we say “never again.” Never again is NOW. It is not too late to do the right thing: call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, join the international community in condemning Israel, and get to work to liberate Palestine and its people. History is watching you—and so are your constituents.

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