Support Needed for Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection Act
  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Support Needed for Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection Act

To: Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. Omar, Sen. Smith

From: A constituent in Minneapolis, MN

April 27

Support is urgently needed for the Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act, which aims to safeguard 234,328 acres of federal lands and waters within the Superior National Forest from sulfide-ore copper mining. This legislation, reintroduced by Congresswoman Betty McCollum, is crucial for the preservation of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Voyageurs National Park. It has already gained backing from environmental organizations, Native American tribes, and outdoor recreation groups. The Act does not impede taconite or iron-ore mining in Minnesota, nor does it interfere with state mineral leasing or permitting processes. Please consider endorsing this legislation to ensure the long-term protection of these vital ecosystems.

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