  1. United States
  2. Oklahoma

Oklahoma Open Letters

Map PinKingston, OK

The above USNews rankings for OK are abysmal. Especially in the categories of Education and Healthcare. Rather than eliminating the income tax to please yourselves and some rich friends, perhaps you could put that excess into educating and caring for our citizens. Accept the Federal money to feed

Verified VoterNorman, OK

Urgent intervention needed to end humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Israel's siege and military offensive in Rafah have led to a dire humanitarian crisis, violating international laws and human rights. The reported occupation of the Philadelphi Corridor along Egypt's border is a concerning breach of the peace treaty. Over a million Palestinians trapped in Rafah face

Verified VoterTulsa, OK

Child Rape and Trafficking Allegations at the Tulsa County FCJJ

I am a constituent and concerned voter in Tulsa. I have recently been made aware of allegations of sex trafficking and child sexual abuse at the Tulsa County Family Center for Juvenile Justice (FCJJ) through reports coming out of the OK Appleseed Center for Law and my local news stations. Children

Verified VoterTulsa, OK

Vote “No” on SB 36

I am a constituent and regular voter in Tulsa who is a proud graduate of Oklahoma City Public Schools and member of a local faith community. I am writing to strongly oppose SB36, which allows public schools to employ chaplains as volunteers. Despite recent amendments, this bill still undermines the

Map PinTulsa, OK

Approve aid to Ukraine

For the safety of the America and of the world, Congress needs to continue military aid to Ukraine for its fight against Russian invasion.  This is a matter of immediate and utmost importance,    While speaking with many of my friends, both Republican and Democrat we remembered a time in 1956 when R

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