Dan Goldman


  1. United States
  2. New York
  3. Rep. Dan Goldman

Rep. Dan Goldman

Map PinBrooklyn, NY

SCOTUS Accountability

Enough is enough, do what is needed to hold the Supreme Court accountable. They are out of control and undermining our entire system of justice. Hold hea rings, pass an enforceable code of ethics, whatever is needed to get the job done.

Map PinNew York, NY

After Israel’s devastating attack killing 45 people at a refugee camp - mainly women and children - I felt I had to reach out to express my profound disapproval at the continued aid and military funding the US provides to Israel. I believe that if you want to receive aid from my country and my tax d

Verified VoterBrooklyn, NY

Red-line cross- end support for Israel NOW

I am devastated by the continued violence in Gaza and most recently, the catastrophic attacks on civilian tent cities in Rafa. Israel is moving tanks into the area where it previously ushered so many refugees. This is a clear violation of the “red line” President Biden and United States claimed was

Verified VoterBrooklyn, NY

Co-sponsor Right to Contraception Act

I am a constituent and I am writing to ask you to co-sponsor The Right to Contraception Act in the House and to ask your colleagues to do the same. I understand this is currently being blocked for a vote, but it must come up for vote- Decisions about women’s health should be left to women. Thank you

Map PinNew York, NY

I am writing to urge your support for the Mamas First Act, introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Representative Gwen Moore of Wisconsin. This crucial legislation will address the heart-breaking rates of maternal mortality in the United States by expanding Medicaid coverage to i

Map PinNew York, NY

Renew affordable connectivity program

us. We need you to tell ISP's to give us a break Please renew the ACP - affordable connectivity program for us working, lower income Americans. Internet service is expensive and The ACP is a big help to

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