  1. United States
  2. Arizona

Arizona Open Letters

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

How do we know that you refuse to represent Americans? Because you represent Israel and Israel's crimes. You refuse to do anything to stop the slaughter. You bow in fear to Israel's money! The money that came out of America taxpayers pockets! Every political AD should have the AIPAC emblem on it

Verified VoterChino Valley, AZ

If any other nation in the world was causing this much death and destruction to innocent lives, you would be loud. More than 35,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed by Israel, with our support, weapons, and funds. More journalists and humanitarian aid workers have been killed in this war t

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Why did you and the rest of the Republican party remove cancer research from the budget you finally passed? I would like an answer. Thank you.

Map PinChandler, AZ

Support Iranian Citizens, Uphold Human Rights

Please co-sign and support HR6865, the Allyship Act. The Islamic Republic of Iran's escalating human rights violations and increasing executions by 30% since 2023 are deeply concerning. We must prioritize the well-being and freedoms of the Iranian people who are courageously protesting for their rig

Map PinTucson, AZ

The proposed legislation SB1511 raises significant concerns regarding patient privacy and access to healthcare. Mandating insurers to disclose private medical information to government agencies is a violation of patient confidentiality rights. Requiring coverage for detransition procedures undermine

Map PinTucson, AZ

Reject SB1005, safeguard diversity and inclusion in education

SB1005 is an alarming piece of legislation that threatens diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across Arizona's institutes of higher education. By prohibiting the expenditure of public funds on training or materials that could be deemed "ideological," this bill obstructs essential initiatives ai

Map PinTucson, AZ

SB1125 threatens online freedom by imposing burdensome age verification requirements on entities publishing material deemed "harmful to minors." This could have a chilling effect on free expression online. The bill also allows internet service providers to maintain blacklists of user IP addresses, r

Map PinTucson, AZ

SB1166 represents a concerning infringement on the rights and well-being of transgender students in Arizona's public schools. The requirement for parental notification when school staff use affirming names and pronouns disregards the privacy and safety concerns many transgender youth face. Allowing

Map PinTucson, AZ

Reject SB1298, uphold online freedom and free speech

The proposed legislation SB1298 poses a severe threat to online freedom and free expression. Its vague criteria for determining "harmful material" risk enabling widespread censorship of legitimate online content and speech. Furthermore, the bill carries severe penalties for non-compliance, including

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

I'm looking at bombs in Gaza with the USA markings on them. I'm looking at the destruction in Gaza. Then I turn around and look at the Senate of whom three senators claimed to be Democrats when they were running for office but have turned out to be corporate sellouts. Manchin, Sinema, Fetterman.

Map PinSun City West, AZ

I’m appalled to learn that Samuel Alito had a Stop the Steal flag hanging at his house in the wake of the January 6 attacks. His excuse that the flag was his wife’s is pathetic—all other arguments aside, this is a man who believes women are subservient to their husbands and must only do their biddin

Map PinSun City West, AZ

I’m appalled to learn that Samuel Alito had a Stop the Steal flag hanging at his house in the wake of the January 6 attacks. His excuse that the flag was his wife’s is pathetic—all other arguments aside, this is a man who believes women are subservient to their husbands and must only do their biddin

Map PinFlagstaff, AZ

Support American for Tax Fairness

I’m a constituent in 86004 and I’m horrified by the new report saying that as of early May fifty billionaire families have already injected over $600 million into this election cycle. The influence of billionaire money in our democratic process is a failure of public policy. Our campaign-finance sy

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

The United States has in its hands nearly $300 billion that could be used to buy weapons for Ukraine. This $300 billion is currently frozen Russian assets in International Banks. As an American citizen I want to see the USA do everything it can to defend Ukraine from Russia's unprovoked land grab

Map PinFlagstaff, AZ

Support bills to protect election integrity

I am a constituent in 86005. I am writing to urge your support of Sen. Klobuchar three bipartisan bills to protect election integrity amid the use of AI in campaigns and election administration—S.2770, the Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act, S.3875, the AI Transparency in Elections Act of 2024,

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Please stop calling and sending me your propaganda apologia. You insist that Hamas is a terrorist group and that Israel has a right to defend itself. The truth is Israel has started all the wars that it is involved in. Israel has treated Palestinians like vermin for 70 years. Any human group tha

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

More Palestinian children killed in refugee camps. More UN workers killed in clearly marked vehicles. "Israel is investigating." Do you understand how ridiculous this sentence is? How long are you going to shield Israel? How long will you insist that the bully is the victim? The evidence is clear t

Verified VoterFlagstaff, AZ

Vote NO ON HB2310. If kids are not taught about sex, there will be more unwanted pregnancies! This bill will not solve problems, it will create them.

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Biden swore to us that he would make sure that Gaza was fed! He lied. He deliberately lied to Americans. Israel is not under Biden's control but Biden has lied for Israel! Israeli citizens are deliberately destroying food designated for Gaza civilians. IDF stands by and watches as Israeli thugs de

Map PinFlagstaff, AZ

Oppose the Israel Security Assistance Act

I am a constituent in 86005. I know a Republican-led bill called the Israel Security Assistance Act will reach the floor tomorrow. It ties the hands of the President in a Republican effort to score political points at home. I want the Congressmember to act in the best interests of our country and op

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

I am ashamed, disgusted, horrified at President Biden's continued support for Israeli genocide of Palestinians. Nobody deserves 24-hour bombardment for 7 months. No civilian population can be held prisoner for the express purpose of ethnic cleansing. Israel's crimes are beyond human tolerance. I

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Israel is behaving in a depraved manner. They are withholding food and water from women and children. Israel has proven that they are bent on genocide. They say it out loud. Repeatedly. You are depraved for supporting Israel's genocide of Gaza. I am ashamed for the United States of america. I am

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Israel has killed another UN staff member, deliberately. ISRAEL TARGETS AID WORKERS. Israeli citizens are destroying supplies waiting to go into Gaza. I demand that you send US troops to protect the food aid and medical aid designated for Gaza. I demand that you use US troops to distribute the

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Here is how I know you are wasting our time and money: H.R. 6192: "Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act" it's an example of generating false outrage to get Americans excited about nothing. Then you pass a law that is useless. Then you come and campaign to tell us that you did something so totally use

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Israel uses children as human Shields. Accounts have been verified. We have seen videos of this action. Everything, every single thing that Israel has accused Palestinians of doing has actually been done by Israeli soldiers. There is no honor among Israel soldiers. They are committing crimes aga

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