An illustration of letters flying at the U.S. Capitol

Contact all your officials at once.

An illustration of the U.S. Capitol complex

Resistbot is a chatbot that turns your texts into faxes, postal mail, or emails to your representatives in minutes.

Resistbot illustrated characterShadow for Resistbot illustrated character

The Easiest Way to Be Heard

Send the word resist to Resistbot on Apple Messages, Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, or by text to 50409 and answer the questions texted back. In minutes, you’ll have contacted Congress or your other elected officials. Make your letter open for maximum effect.

Message and data rates may apply if you use SMS. Message frequency varies. Text stop to 50409 to stop all messages. Text help to 50409 for help. See our terms of use, privacy notice, and user bill of rights.

📰 Send me an article to teach me about your issue!

Photograph of Louis DejoyDeJoy’s 10-Year Plan Could Gut USPS. He Doesn’t Want You to Know the

Got it, here’s your letter:

The U.S. Postal Service’s 10-year plan, led by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, raises significant concerns. The proposed consolidation of mail sorting and delivery into regional centers threatens smaller post offices with potential closure or reduced hours. This lack of transparency and resistance…

You don’t have to find your representatives first, Resistbot will do it for you. It can even write your letter from a bill number or news article, or you can type a letter yourself.

Raise your hand if you would rather go get a cavity filled than make four calls and leave four voicemails… thank goodness there is a better way.
@zombiezeni, Resistbot Member

Join a Campaign

Not sure what to say? Join one of our organizers’ campaigns!

Resistbot illustrated characterShadow for Resistbot illustrated character

Upgrade for a More Powerful Bot

We rely on your support, not your data, to operate. Premium members get unlimited use of our AI-powered tools like letter writing and bill summaries, physical delivery of letters via postal mail or fax, daily newspaper front pages, and much more.

Upgrade to Premium

2,893 so far! Help us get to 10,000 members!

Resistbot is a well-designed, powerful easy-to-use tool that allows you to communicate your thoughts, wishes, complaints, congratulations—anything that you care to share—to your elected representatives.
Democrats Abroad

Resistbot illustrated characterShadow for Resistbot illustrated character

Create Your Own Campaigns in Minutes

Any letter you text in can be turned into a campaign that can drive millions of emails, faxes, or first-class mail to every member of Congress or state lawmaker, not just your own. Unlike typical petitions, Resistbot delivers letters to each signer’s officials instantly, you don’t have to deliver yourself. With effort, they grow quickly!

Diagram of how Resistbot campaigns grow to create more signers and more deliveries over time
  1. Campaigns start with announcement texts to your followers
  2. Each sign drives letters to their officials
  3. Signers fund texts to members, share the campaign & invite others
  4. Signers follow you and are texted when your next campaign starts
Resistbot has an unparalleled and unprecedented power to move thousands upon thousands of people to action — instantly.
Ben Wikler, Chair of Wisc. Democratic Party
The final count of constituents who sent an email to their state legislator was close to 146,000, and we wouldn’t have been anywhere close to that were it not for your efforts… This campaign would not [have been] possible without Resistbot.
Kit Wu, The movement to repeal 50-a in N.Y.

We Can Do It!

Thirty million letters delivered and counting.

White House
U.S. Senate
U.S. House
Letters Sent
Voters Protected
Diagram of how Resistbot campaigns grow to create more signers and more deliveries over time

Text Check to Resistbot and we will protect your registration, for free, as long as we stay online. This feature launched in 2018 and we’re still the only organization that does it, in the face of endless voter roll purges across the country.

Not only will Resistbot check your voter registration… once they have confirmed you are registered to vote they will check it once a month to make sure that you are not purged from the voter rolls and if anything changes they will send you a text… I think everyone should use it.
Jess Craven, Chop Wood, Carry Water

Resistbot illustrated characterShadow for Resistbot illustrated character

Real World Impact

Our impact was proven in three studies across 11 elections. Resistbot users are reminded and able to access polling locations without leaving the chat conversation, as well as access local election offices for help, and rich voting information. Your dollar goes farther with us than any other turnout program. Become a member or donate to support our work.

🎗️ You have an election next Tuesday! You pledged your support to Sherrod Brown. Do you need to know where your polling place is?

👍 Yes, please!

🗳️ I found 8 early voting sites, 3 polling places for Election Day, and 15 drop boxes, which do you want to see?

Resistbot’s GOTV program was highly cost-effective and able to generate an impressive number of net voters, surpassing the performance of many other programs in midterm election cycles.
Analyst Institute
[Resistbot] increased turnout by 1.8 percentage points in a 2019 election
Christopher B. Mann, Ph.D.
With an estimated treatment effect of… as much as 2 percentage points in 2020… messaging [Resistbot’s] user base can boost turnout.
Christopher B. Mann, Ph.D. & Scott L. Minkoff, Ph.D.

We’ve Met the Press

RecodeTeen VogueEngadgetFast CompanyThe GuardianThe Huffington PostGoodBustleLifehackerRomperBusiness InsiderBloomberg BNAMiami HeraldThe SkimmWUSA TVKDKA TVInStyleArizona RepublicNewsdayAdweekBillboardNMEInc.SnopesKHOUO MagazineSalon

Drive More Impact with the App

Get the iOS app and drive signatures for top campaigns with your contacts.

Download on the App Store
Image of many newspaper front pages tiled

See your Letter in Your Local Newspaper

We’ve publicly shamed and held your elected officials accountable in thousands of local newspapers in 49 states and D.C. since 2017.

📰 Your letter has been nominated for a letter to the editor! Do you want to submit it?

👍 Yes!

☺️ Great! What newspaper would you like me to send it to?

Wear the Bot on Your Sleeve

Head to Cotton Bureau or My Fan Threads for shirts, hoodies, tanks, joggers, pins, patches, buttons, stickers, and more stuff we put the bot on. Or get a yearly membership for our members-only pin!

Phone case featuring Rosie the Resistbot on a yellow background, with "we can do it" text above in the style of the famous Rosie the Riveter poster.Women's v-neck tee shirt with "text resist to 50409" written across the chestMetal tumbler with the Resistbot wordmarkNatural colored tote bag with an image of the Resistbot robot on it

Give it a try!

The easiest and quickest way to hold your officials accountable since 2017.