  1. United States
  2. Letter

Ratify Equal Rights Amendment to ensure gender equality

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Philadelphia, PA

December 19

The Equal Rights Amendment is long overdue for ratification and publication in the United States Constitution. Providing a firm legal foundation for sex equality under the law is essential to combat discrimination, protect hard-won rights, and promote further progress toward true gender equity. The amendment has met all requirements for ratification, with the necessary 38 states approving it by 2020. However, the process has stalled due to inaction. Completing this final step of publishing the ERA in the Constitution would cement its validity and legal force. It would act as a bulwark against any attempts to roll back women's rights and equal protections. The recent election results underscore the precarious nature of gender equality without an explicit constitutional guarantee. We cannot afford further delays that leave equal rights vulnerable. Urgent action from the President is needed to instruct the Archivist to certify and publish the Equal Rights Amendment. Equality and justice for all citizens regardless of gender must be codified at the highest level. Completing this long road to ratification is vital for upholding American values of fairness and equal opportunity. The time is now to take this crucial step and formally enshrine the ERA in our nation's founding document.

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