- United States
- Ariz.
- Letter
Dear Senator,
I write today gravely disappointed in you. I entrusted my vote for you to be a bulwark against the hatred and stochastic violence perpetrated by the Republican party.
Instead, I see today that you intend to waste your vote in a cowardly appeal to "bipartisanship" by supporting the bloody shirt waving bill that the Republicans have disgustingly called the Laiken Riley Act.
I did not send you to DC to capitulate to their immigration fearmongering and to let them use the death of a white woman to write cruel laws that would not solve our immigration issues.
I beg you, do not vote for this bill. Fight it. Show the voters of Arizona that Democrats are not just "Diet Republicans". This is the trick they've used for the last forty plus years, always asking you to compromise values while displaying none of their own.
I am sure this will receive some form letter response, but know that I am deeply disappointed and that the only reason you are in the Senate is because the choices I had in front of me were even more poisonous the Republic.