  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. Hochul

From: A verified voter in Jackson Heights, NY

December 23, 2024

I am writing in support of the Montaukett Indian Nation Reinstatement Bill A9124 / S8550. Your decision to veto this bill for the third time is unconscionable, just as your last two vetoes have been. This is now the sixth time a Governor has vetoed this legislation despite unanimous passage in the NYS legislature. And it comes one month after the Town of East Hampton issued a proclamation recognizing the Montaukett Indian Nation and the tribe's significant contributions to their community. It is unacceptable for the Executive to be the sole roadblock to rectifying the racist 1910 court decision that improperly removed the Nation's recognition in the first place. The Nation has been responsive to the requests of NYS, only to have your administration continue to move the goal posts, creating new reasons at every turn to deny the Nation their recognition. Your actions demonstrate a profound disregard and disrespect for the Nation, its history, and its people. I will continue to follow the leadership of the Montaukett Nation as it carries on its fights for social justice, sovereignty, and equality.

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