  1. United States
  2. Ky.
  3. Letter

Support the women of Afghanistan

To: Sen. Paul, Sen. McConnell, Rep. McGarvey, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Prospect, KY

January 8

We must do something to help the women of Afghanistan. We came into that country and spend dollars and lost lives trying to create a state that was democratic, friendly to the US, and a potential long-time ally. Instead, we left in 2021 with zero support, effectively yanking the rug out from their feet. Anyone should have known that the Taliban would swoop back into power and demolish any semblance of human rights and education for women. 

The situation there is dire. Women have been banned from most education, most professions, from public view in general. You may think this is not relevant to US interests, but it is. We have the opportunity to create a generation of women who remember the US as allies, as people who believe in the importance of rights and democracy. Or we can ignore them, leave them to the monsters at the Taliban, and create a new generation of terrorists who have nothing but hatred towards the US.   Which do you think is the safer choice? Which is the RIGHT choice?   Do the right thing and support the women of Afghanistan. Do not let that fall to the back of international policy. Do not think the potential threat of the Taliban is gone.

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