  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Ross, Sen. Budd, Sen. Tillis

From: A constituent in Raleigh, NC

November 16

donald trump is a threat to our country. It is ludicrous to support a convicted felon, rapist, and seditious lifelong criminal to be president! Can you not see how his so called cabinet picks are making a mockery of our country?!! Are you simply going to capitulate to his agenda that will decimate the rights and safeguards of our citizens, and the security of our nation?! I WILL NOT! I am going to fight him and his rectum polishing lackeys with every fiber of my being! If you plan to honor the oath of office you took to protect our country and Constitution - and if you have a backbone - you will too!

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