- United States
- Ariz.
- Letter
I write again as an angered and disappointed voter. You have already confirmed several anti-qualified nominees of the traitor masquerading as President. I am BEGGING you to not vote yes on any further confirmations until Elon Musk is no longer criminally destroying the country.
I am already excited for an opportunity to primary you in a future election, but I fear that with your capitulation to fascists and your inability to see beyond the stupidity of "bipartisanship", there will be no future elections at this pace. Stop enabling a dictator by approving his horrific nominees. Stop letting the government continue to function. Follow the Mitch McConnell model laid out during the Obama years and grind the machine to a halt and remind everyone that Elon Musk is the true President and has criminally accessed Treasury, OPM, and other systems no one not duly appointed by Congress after vetting should be allowed to do.
I did not keep you in the Senate to break bread with those that would destroy America. Please show me you intend to fight, or I will have no choice but to seek your expulsion from the Senate should I get the chance