- United States
- Calif.
- Letter
The Postal Service has been recklessly implementing harmful network changes without proper oversight or consideration of the negative impacts on mail service. The United States Postal Service Stop and Study Act would provide much-needed scrutiny and accountability by requiring the Postal Service to submit any proposed network changes to the Postal Regulatory Commission for review and an advisory opinion. The Postal Service would then have to consider and respond to the Commission's recommendations before proceeding. This crucial step would ensure network changes do not unnecessarily degrade service for Americans who rely on the mail. Given the Postal Service's disturbing track record of pushing through sweeping operational changes with little transparency or justification, this legislation is urgently needed to protect mail delivery standards. The public deserves assurance that service cuts are not being hastily imposed for reasons of expediency or profit at the expense of the Postal Service's universal service obligation. Passing this bill will safeguard the mail system and the millions of individuals and businesses it serves from rash restructuring that could severely undermine its effectiveness. I urge you to support the United States Postal Service Stop and Study Act to restore proper oversight and ensure any future network changes truly benefit the public interest.