  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Cárdenas

From: A constituent in Valley Village, CA

November 12

The proposed legislation H.R. 9495 poses a dire threat to civil society organizations across the nation. This bill would grant the executive branch sweeping authority to unilaterally investigate, harass, and revoke the tax-exempt status of any nonprofit organization, including news outlets, universities, and civil liberties groups, based on mere accusations of wrongdoing. Over 120 diverse organizations spanning civil liberties, religious, reproductive health, immigrant rights, human rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+, environmental, and educational sectors have united in opposition to this bill. We urge you to reject H.R. 9495 to protect the vital work of nonprofits and safeguard our fundamental rights from such egregious overreach by the government. The consequences of this legislation would be disastrous for civil society and democracy itself.

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