- United States
- Wisc.
- Letter
Support only cabinet candidates that have subject knowledge
To: Sen. Johnson
From: A constituent in Eau Claire, WI
December 27, 2024
I read in your recent email communication that you have met many of the candidates for the cabinet. I’m writing to urge you to weigh their professional experience in the actual fields of the positions as opposed to questionable parallel skills in other fields, or to give weight to the assumption that “since my opposition vocally objects then they must be the right candidates”. Most cabinet positions are extremely specific and will directly affect the livelihood of our fellow Americans, regardless of party affiliation or ideology. Leaders of these agencies need to have subject knowledge on day one. Many current candidates have only been regular guests of talk shows at best, and have not worked a single day in the subject. If I need to extract a tooth, I go to a person who is a certified dentist. It does not make the “cactus tooth removal expert” at some local organic plant nursery more qualified, no matter how loud my mother objects to it. We are now talking about brain surgeries here — people will suffer greatly or may even die with unqualified people at the helm. Thank you in advance for doing your job diligently, part of which includes representing ALL of your constituents, including ones that do not share your personal ideology.