- United States
- Texas
- Letter
Please consider these amendments to SB2
To: Sen. Flores
From: A constituent in Austin, TX
February 5
I am writing about SB 2. As a mom in north Austin with two children in public school and a third who will enter soon, I am very concerned about how this plan will impact my children, their school, and our larger community.
I strongly request you vote against SB 2. However, if that is not in the cards, please consider supporting these changes:
1. lower the lottery qualification from 500% of the poverty line to 185% to align with the qualification for reduced price lunches. If this must move forward, at least let it help people who need it most.
2. Ensure funding for ALL students with disabilities no mater where they live. Match dollar for dollar the voucher amount used by these students with additional funding for special education programs in rural districts where there are no private school options.
3. Reduce the voucher amount by $4,000 to match the per-student allotment for public school kids.
Thank you for your time reading this and I hope these thoughts will be considered. This is so important for the future success of our city.