- United States
- Ariz.
- Letter
The reported buyout offers to the entire CIA workforce appear to be an attempt to purge employees who may not align with the Trump administration's national security priorities. This is a concerning move that risks severely undermining the agency's independence, expertise, and core intelligence capabilities. Offering buyouts or threats of termination to dedicated career professionals is an unacceptable form of political intimidation within the intelligence community. It jeopardizes our national security by disrupting the continuity of institutional knowledge and discarding invaluable experience. The CIA must remain an apolitical institution, providing objective intelligence analysis free from partisan influence or interference. Purging staff who may not conform to the administration's agenda destroys that vital separation and integrity. I urge you to forcefully condemn and work to stop these buyout offers, which are a blatant effort to politicize the CIA for the White House's own purposes. Protecting the independence and professionalism of our intelligence agencies is critical for informed policymaking and keeping Americans safe. Swift action is needed to prevent further deterioration of these respected institutions.