- United States
- N.Y.
- Letter
This MTA congestion pricing is a scam and I want to know what you plan to do to repeal this regressive tax?
How do you plan to fund the MTA with tolls not collected by the cars not coming into Manhattan?
Why is it that trucks continue to get penalized multiple times when they make deliveries entering in and out of the zone?
Why is it that the 59th St bridge is now a toll bridge with no way to be used even if one has no desire to enter into the zone?
What did you do to force the MTA to crack down on fare jumping, which cost us over $700 million a year?
What good is forcing people to take the subway when they won’t pay for it anyway?
Why is it we are forcing police to give tickets for license plates when they should be catching criminals instead of watching people burn in a subway platform?
What are you doing to address these questions?
You are failing the community.