  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Reject Unfit NATO Ambassador Nomination for Ethical Lapses

To: Sen. McCormick, Sen. Fetterman

From: A constituent in Pittsburgh, PA

January 7

The nomination of Matt Whitaker as ambassador to NATO raises serious concerns that should compel a rejection by the Senate. Whitaker's lack of diplomatic experience and troubling record involving unethical business practices call into question his fitness for such a crucial role. His involvement with World Patent Marketing, a company engaged in deceptive practices that led to a $25 million settlement, is deeply problematic. Particularly egregious were Whitaker's threats against individuals who legitimately reported the company's misconduct, which he did by invoking his former position as a U.S. Attorney. This abuse of authority for personal gain demonstrates poor judgment and a disregard for ethical norms. Furthermore, Whitaker's advocacy for the unconstitutional doctrine of nullification, which holds that states can disregard federal laws, is antithetical to the principles of our democratic system and undermines the authority of the federal government he would represent abroad. His statement that judges should not be "secular" also raises concerns about his ability to uphold democratic values and separation of church and state. While Whitaker's background as a prosecutor is notable, it does not compensate for his lack of diplomatic credentials and the ethical lapses that have marred his career. The NATO ambassadorship demands an individual of unimpeachable integrity and a deep understanding of international affairs. Whitaker falls short on both counts. Rejecting his nomination would be a principled stance in defense of America's global standing and commitment to democratic norms.

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