  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

We the People Say No: Felons Cannot Lead Our Nation

To: Sen. Curtis, Sen. Lee, Rep. Kennedy

From: A constituent in Orem, UT

January 10

The Constitution does not explicitly prohibit convicted felons from serving as president. However, allowing a felon to hold the highest office sends a troubling message about accountability and the rule of law. If an average citizen can lose fundamental rights like voting due to a felony conviction, it seems fundamentally unfair for someone convicted of serious crimes to then lead the entire nation. This apparent double standard erodes faith in our legal system and the principle that no one is above the law. As citizens, we have a vested interest in elected leaders demonstrating unimpeachable integrity and respect for the laws they are sworn to uphold. A felony conviction should disqualify someone from the presidency to preserve trust in our institutions and the ideal of equal justice under the law.

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