- United States
- Ark.
- Letter
President Trump's vows to invade and take over a sovereign nation while actively perpetuating ethnic cleansing are imperialist, dangerous, and abhorrent. Not to mention against international law. His plans for Gaza would weaken our standing with our allies and further endanger our nation. If you do not stand in his way on this matter, by blocking all of his appointments, to the cabinet and otherwise, I will be forced to believe you condone his imperialist tendencies and therefore have forsaken our democracy. I will be forced to call for your resignation and find a candidate to primary your seat in the next election. Arkansans deserve representatives who do not bend a knee to a president who revels in government overreach, unlawful actions, and antidemocratic interference around the world. We do not have kings here, and it is Congress's job to curb such tendencies in our presidents. If you are too weak to govern, Arkansans will find someone with a backbone to take your place. Speak out so your constituents know you do not condone the president's terrible actions. Apply our so loudly lauded checks and balances, or step aside for someone who will.