Resistbot Petition: Fully repeal unconstitutional Comstock Act to protect freedoms.

An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Fully repeal unconstitutional Comstock Act to protect freedoms.

4 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!

The Comstock Act is an archaic and unconstitutional law that unduly restricts free speech and infringes on personal liberties. Passed in 1873, it prohibits the mailing of a wide range of materials deemed "obscene" or related to contraception and abortion, giving the government sweeping powers to censor speech and interfere in private matters. While intended as a moral crusade by its namesake Anthony Comstock, the law's vague language and broad scope have been abused to suppress legitimate information, art, and medical resources over the decades. Recently, there have been alarming efforts to revive enforcement of the Comstock Act's provisions against abortion pills and educational materials on reproductive health. This threatens to undermine access to vital healthcare services and violates constitutionally protected rights. The law's potential for misuse extends far beyond this issue, enabling future censorship of literature, art, or any disfavored speech under the guise of indecency. Proposed legislation to partially repeal the Comstock Act fails to go far enough. Piecemeal reforms leave the door open for the law's inevitable revival and ongoing abuses down the line. The only solution that upholds free speech and personal liberty is a full and unequivocal repeal of this unconstitutional relic from a bygone era of obstructive moralism. We cannot allow such an antiquated and dangerous law to remain on the books, continuously threatening our most fundamental freedoms.

▶ Created on June 24 by Jake

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