
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Address the climate crisis--ratify the Kigali amendment NOW!

244 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!

The climate crisis rages on as a massive global threat. Global scientists have issued a dire warning: It’s time to act – it’s now or never for any hope of staving off the worst ravages of climate breakdown. We are running out of time and Congress is not acting fast enough. Congress must start addressing the issue meaningfully. And they can do just that, right now, by joining 129 countries and ratifying the Kigali Amendment – an amendment that sets targets for every nation to phase down climate-polluting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the synthetic chemicals used in cooling appliances, insulating foams, and more. Ratifying the Kigali Amendment and phasing out HFCs will prevent up to half a degree Celsius of warming by the end of this century – that is a huge deal, and necessary. The Kigali Amendment is something the Senate can ratify and work towards right now – it has U.S. business support, bipartisan support, and global support. This is what we’re talking about when we say ‘immediate climate action’. Please get to work curbing the climate crisis. Ratify the Kigali Amendment and phase out climate super-pollutants. Thanks.

▶ Created on May 6, 2022 by Jess Craven

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