
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Vote NO on S.686, the Restrict Act!

397 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!

I’m writing to say that I oppose S.686, the Restrict Act. This bill will endanger private information, allow the government to spy on us with almost unfettered access, criminalize privacy mechanisms like VPNs, and provide a conduit by which the government can interfere with technology development. It’s breathtaking overreach; it violates the First and Fourth Amendments, and it’s just wrong. America has real problems right now—assaults on our democracy, a gun violence emergency, a climate crisis, income inequality, unfettered greed leading to harm to American workers, attacks on LGBTQ people, and more. Banning TikTok and decreasing out digital privacy is NOT where Congress should be focussing their energy. Don’t pass this bill. Thanks.

▶ Created on March 31, 2023 by Jess Craven

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