
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Congress needs to lower drug prices more--not reverse the progress we've made!

196 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!

High drug costs have been a serious issue for decades, so I was delighted when, for the first time in history, provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act empowered Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices and cap annual drug expenses for seniors. But I’ve been distressed to see that, instead of supporting policies Americans want, some Republicans in Congress are putting Big Pharma and special interests ahead of working families by blocking a $35 insulin co-pay bill from inclusion in the Inflation Reduction Act and introducing a new bill to end ALL the lower drug pricing provisions.   Sponsoring a bill to revert popular reforms and allow Big Pharma to continue price gouging is extreme and out of touch with working families across the country. Americans are tired of Big Pharma’s skyrocketing prices for life-saving medications.   The Inflation Reduction Act is a good start. But there is still more to do to lower drug prices. Americans want Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for everyone, and every American deserves a $35 insulin co-pay. Please get to work making drug prices more affordable, not more expensive. Thanks.

▶ Created on October 27, 2022 by Jess Craven

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