Question about project 2025

Who created it


"Project 2025" is an initiative pushed by the Heritage Foundation and over 100 other organizations to create a radical vision for the nation. It outlines a roadmap to roll back decades of progress in civil rights, make life harder for most people and threaten the very foundation of the U.S. economy. The plan intends to "update" the 2009 Endangerment Finding to dismantle government's role in tackling climate change and limit oversight from government institutions in protecting working people, particularly minorities. This could potentially allow corporations to exploit workers with no accountability for their actions and decimate safety nets that benefit millions of people. For example, under the plan, millions of people would lose access to affordable healthcare, lose overtime protections at their jobs, and find it even harder to gain access to student loans. This document can be seen as a road map for a return to a much darker era of exploitation and abuse. It envisions a very dark future, filled with discrimination, and a return to times of poverty and injustice. "Project 2025" may not be on the lips of those who are working on it, but it appears to be in line with Trump's past agenda. It has been written and published in part by the Heritage Foundation. It was created with the express goal of "winning" an election and forming a government based on their platform, to be carried out in the wake of a victory in 2025. It is unknown if there will be significant consequences, but it should certainly be considered, given how little Trump and his cohorts have tried to distance themselves from the project's creation.

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