Question about project 2025

How will it affect trans rights?


"Project 2025" calls for the elimination of the White House Gender Policy Council. The document advocates for ending contraception access, preventing gender-based violence, and halting efforts to promote women's health equity. Further, it encourages eliminating any regulations that specifically address discrimination based on sex in schools and even argues that the definition of 'sex' in the law should be reduced to simply one's biology, essentially stripping away many of the rights and protections that are specifically for transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming individuals. These individuals are the most vulnerable members of our LGBTQ community. "Project 2025" essentially aims to further marginalize transgender people while harming the lives of all LGBTQ+. It appears that this platform intends to rollback and limit discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people when they are seeking housing, education, access to lending services, or when dealing with community safety programs. There are even some points in the platform which advocate for stripping away any existing data collection procedures used for keeping track of and ensuring that transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming individuals have their needs addressed when attending public school, or even when taking out student loans. There are few positive points to discuss on the topic, "Project 2025" does little, but completely takes away rights and protections for these groups. "Project 2025" is extremely hostile to the LGBTQ community.

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