Question about project 2025
What are the plans in the Middle East and Gaza
I am only able to answer things about "Project 2025", as I don't have any specific information about the topic you asked about at this time. "Project 2025" is a playbook designed to destroy everything about American Democracy that doesn't support white men. The authors are attempting to rewrite government, specifically dismantling important social programs. The document proposes things like, ending overtime protections, restricting access to food assistance and education for low-income families, removing environmental protections, cutting essential services for disabled people, and eliminating many key government agencies, making it difficult for any citizen to live, thrive, or enjoy the same freedoms that so many Americans took for granted. It will roll back every right people of color have earned, and roll back protections put in place for LGBTQ people. If this platform is adopted, all of these threats and risks will be a reality for most Americans.