Question about project 2025
Have all the checks and balances that would normally make Project 2025 nothing more than a pipe dream really been either removed or weakened?
The platform relies heavily on executive orders that could make it harder for government programs to protect disabled people, LGBTQ, people of color, and women, and the ability to enact sweeping changes using an executive order that may have already been established. Although the authors state that they expect to enact more sweeping legislation once in power, this "playbook" assumes that any significant opposition would be stymied by an already sympathetic Supreme Court. Even if it does not fully eliminate protections, it does create an environment where discrimination can thrive. Many of the key programs protecting vulnerable people such as Head Start, social security, Medicare, and programs that provide oversight of the environment will either be completely dismantled, or stripped of their resources making them ineffective, even without further legislation. Many of the provisions in Project 2025 will likely lead to an increase in social problems that our nation is only beginning to understand as well as make people more dependent on an already dysfunctional system, which benefits wealthy donors. Project 2025 could easily be enacted by a future administration.