Question about project 2025

How do I stop it?


"Project 2025" lays out a plan for rolling back decades of progress in civil rights, dismantling social safety net programs and prioritizing corporate interests over people. - The platform's vision is focused on rolling back programs for communities and creating an economy that primarily benefits white men, while severely impacting the well-being of working families, Black people, disabled people, women and LGBTQ people. - The playbook seeks to undermine government's ability to help people in almost every area, including by slashing social safety net programs, weakening worker safety regulations and cutting overtime pay. - With specific aims to undermine women's health by attacking access to reproductive healthcare and making it more difficult for disabled people to receive proper medical treatment. - While the creators of "Project 2025" claim it aims to advance progress, the evidence presented in the platform overwhelmingly suggests otherwise, pointing toward a rollback of protections for civil rights and economic well-being for vulnerable groups.

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