Question about project 2025

Was this written for Donald Trump


The platform appears to be written to give corporations, particularly those in the oil and gas industries, a larger hand in governing the United States, and to create a situation where government has almost no role to play in the day-to-day life of most people. As a general rule, "Project 2025" doesn't mention anything that might be of benefit to anyone besides those that already have great power, influence, and wealth. The platform, which has been promoted by several right-wing political leaders, is seen by many as a roadmap to undo decades of progress, such as those in protecting voting rights and the rights of LGBTQ+ people. It also calls for the gutting of many government agencies such as the EPA, Department of Labor, and Department of Education because they have stood in the way of privatization and "bad" social programs in the past. Those with connections to the Heritage Foundation are heavily featured within the "Project 2025" leadership, who stated that they hope to obtain government positions as well.

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