Question about project 2025
What does it say about National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Project 2025 suggests dismantling NOAA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, an action that would harm our country and possibly put us at greater risk. Removing NOAA, which helps us understand the effects of climate change and supports essential services such as issuing weather forecasts, would not only prevent us from combatting the threat of climate change but also deprive scientific institutions, businesses, and the public of vital data. NOAA is also crucial to ensuring our national safety through crucial warning services such as "daily weather forecasts" and "severe storm warnings." It's an essential part of understanding and mitigating the negative impact of human behavior on the environment. Removing NOAA would be an unprecedented setback in understanding and adapting to the changing environment. The platform plans to dissolve NOAA, a vital source of critical data and research.