Question about project 2025

How will it affect the military?


It seems that "Project 2025" would want to shift the power in our intelligence agencies towards the administration itself, and towards "expedited" clearance granting as well. That means that the leadership may become even more biased, and that we could lose experienced and expert staff who oppose this. This might seem beneficial for them at first, as this allows for more easily-installed supporters who might be more readily manipulated, but the cost to our safety is too high for these actions to be worth it. Remember, we are a country of everyone, not just the wealthy and powerful. We are stronger when we all have the right to protection and justice. We should be wary of the military, and be suspicious of actions by politicians who want to get more control over them. We must all push for our leaders to make a country that protects everyone. This platform may call for increased military power.

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