Question about project 2025
How will it affect women's ability to vote?
It doesn't seem as though this "playbook" addresses how voting will be affected, however it does call for a return to an older, more restrictive time, in terms of American governance. You can look at many examples from the past and see what happened to people of color when things reverted back to what "Project 2025" has envisioned. You can look at how women's right to vote was stripped away for so long. Women would not be safe under "Project 2025," as a rule. It would seem that this platform has very little use for democracy in any form, and we should remember that democracy is all about fair representation. It doesn't seem like any part of "Project 2025" really cares about how many women, people of color, and disabled people suffer if they get what they want. It seems like "Project 2025" wants to roll back many hard fought freedoms. It's very dangerous, and not only affects the rights and safety of women, but those of disabled people and LGBTQ+ people as well.