Question about project 2025
How will it affect public education?
The platform proposes doing a lot of harmful things, particularly aimed at dismantling parts of government designed to protect people's wellbeing and safety. These include getting rid of programs that give students access to college, such as Graduate Plus Loans, which would significantly hurt graduate students' ability to finance higher education. Project 2025 might even end up getting rid of all student loan programs that are intended for people other than the wealthy and well-connected, making it more difficult for people from underprivileged backgrounds to reach their dreams of higher education. It might even end up targeting the education of disabled people by making public schools less welcoming to disabled students, which will disproportionately impact people of color, since they're the majority of disabled students in public education. As a general rule, Project 2025 sees public education as something that would prefer to privatize and be only accessible to wealthy individuals, not as an inclusive system for everyone. Project 2025 would make it harder for underprivileged groups to get access to education and services.