Question about project 2025

How will it affect healthcare coverage for people with preexisting conditions?


The playbook describes efforts to increase privatization and reduce access to care. There are suggestions to eliminate or "reform" critical programs like Medicare, and the government would prioritize private healthcare plans which have been shown to be more expensive and less effective than Medicare, while at the same time taking actions that would restrict access to vital resources for seniors and others. The goal appears to be making healthcare even less accessible and leaving millions with few or no options for vital care. Additionally, those in the medical field may face further discrimination, and even the government's enforcement power will be severely restricted, making access to quality and compassionate care difficult to secure. This would create an immense hardship for people of all backgrounds who are unable to find work or afford medical care due to no fault of their own. "Project 2025" appears to make healthcare less accessible and more difficult.

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