Suzanne Bonamici


  1. United States
  2. Oregon
  3. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici

Map PinPortland, OR

President Biden is a true hero and patriot. He has put people and our country above himself, and I love him for what he has done as president and for this huge personal sacrifice. He has my utmost respect and gratitude.

Map PinPortland, OR


JOE BIDEN is our best chance to beat Trump! Stop the elitist replacement nonsense and support BIDEN/HARRIS 2024!

Map PinPortland, OR

President Biden, you must do the right thing and step down. You cannot beat trump in November, and democracy is at stake. Read NYT opinion pages, especially the essay by Mike Murphy. Also read the NYT July 17 Morning Newsletter, “Biden vs. His Party. They are right.

Map PinPortland, OR

President Biden, you must do the right thing and step down. You can’t beat trump in November, and democracy is at stake. Read NYT opinion pages, especially today’s essay by Mike Murphy. He is right.

Map PinSeaside, OR

Support Joe Biden

I fully support Joe Biden as our nominee for President. I hope you do too.

Verified VoterPortland, OR

Do not attend Netanjahu address to Congress

Please do not attend Netanjahu‘s address to Congress next week. He continues to undermine Biden’s goal of a peace deal, he is undermining Biden as a presidential candidate and supports Trump. Please say No to Netanyahu, skip his congressional address, and use the leverage of withholding offensive we

Map PinPortland, OR

President Biden, I thank you for your service and believe you have been a wonderful president, BUT please step aside now and let us beat trump in November. You will be remembered as a great man who put his country first.

Verified VoterPortland, OR

It’s time for Joe to pass the torch

Biden’s latest interview sadly cements my view that he needs to step aside, and I ask that you use your platform and voice to that end. He is centering himself and making the election about him versus Trump, effectively placing himself over party *and* country. The stakes are too high for us to pu

Verified VoterPortland, OR


Please recognize the break-glass moment for what it is. If the toll for taking the high road is our democracy, it’s time to find a new path. Fight for us. Fight for our democracy. Dissension alone is inadequate.

Map PinPortland, OR

We must address the severe lack of affordable housing and supportive services that force many into homelessness through no fault of their own. Penalizing and criminalizing the basic acts of survival for those without shelter only perpetuates the cycle of homelessness and undermines human dignity. In

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