Joe Courtney


  1. United States
  2. Connecticut
  3. Rep. Joe Courtney

Rep. Joe Courtney

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Denounce attacks on UN facilities, UNRWA; uphold international law.

The blatant targeting of United Nations schools and infrastructure in Gaza, where civilians were taking shelter, is an egregious violation of international law and a grave war crime. It is unconscionable that over 120 schools have been struck, leading to the deaths of hundreds of displaced people an

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Urgent humanitarian aid and ceasefire needed for Gaza

The humanitarian situation in Gaza remains dire, with thousands unaccounted for amidst the devastation wrought by Israel's relentless bombardment. Families anxiously await news of missing loved ones, including children separated from their parents or buried beneath the rubble. Essential services and

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Please Cosponsor H.R.3103

I urge you to cosponsor H.R 3103, the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act. This important legislation prohibits U.S foreign aid from supporting abusive practices against Palestinians in the occupied territories, including the m

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Condemn the massacre in Tal Al-Hawa. Stop arming Israel.

Israel's genocide in Gaza has resulted in unfathomable tragedy and loss of life. The withdrawal from Tal Al-Hawa and al-Sina'a Street exposed the horrors, with nearly 60 Palestinians murdered, including entire families on al-Sina'a Street. Charred bodies and burned homes suggest civilians were targe

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Condemn Israeli military's cruelty against disabled Palestinians

The Israeli military's act of deploying a combat dog against a non-verbal Palestinian man with Down syndrome, leading to his death, constitutes a grave violation of human rights. Such use of force against a vulnerable individual with disabilities is unacceptable and must be condemned in the stronges

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Demand Action on Palestinian Detainee Abuse by Israeli Authorities

Most detainees are held by Israeli authorities without a trial or evidence, in addition to being subjected to torture, abuse, and inhumane treatment. No person should ever be subjected to such cruelty and violation of their fundamental human rights. It is imperative that immediate steps are taken to

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Halt bomb shipments, prioritize diplomacy and peace in Gaza

The ongoing genocide in Gaza is deeply concerning and the civilian casualties are unacceptable. While the US has paused shipments of 2,000-pound bombs due to concerns over their use in densely populated areas, it has resumed sending 500-pound bombs to Israel. These weapons still have a devastating i

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Stop Israel's assault on Palestinian civilians and UNRWA aid

Israel's assault on the UNRWA school in Nuseirat, which left 13 dead and 70 injured, many of them women and children, is a horrific violation of international law and basic human decency. This massacre of civilians seeking refuge at a UN-designated humanitarian site underscores the dire need for an

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Al-Mawasi camp massacre, stop arming Israel

This horrific attack on the al-Mawasi camp, a designated "safe zone" for displaced Palestinians in Gaza, is an inexcusable violation of international law and basic human rights. At least 90 civilians have been killed, including women and children, with 300 more wounded in this brutal massacre. This

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Condemn Israel's abuses against Palestinian detainees and demand accountability.

Israel's treatment of Palestinian detainees is unconscionable and a flagrant violation of international law. The disturbing reports of widespread torture, sexual violence, medical neglect and appalling conditions at facilities like Sde Teiman are truly abhorrent. Over 21,000 Palestinians are held wi

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Condemn Israel for murdering Palestinian Christians

The bombing of the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City, which was sheltering displaced civilians, represents a horrific violation of international law and a callous disregard for human life. Reports indicate at least 16 Christian Palestinians were among those killed in this reprehens

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

End inhumane blockade in Gaza, restore humanitarian access urgently

The ongoing blockade and military siege on Gaza is causing immense civilian suffering. Restrictions on the entry of fuel and humanitarian aid are leading to critical shortages, forcing bakeries and kitchens to shut down operations. Hospitals face the risk of closure due to lack of fuel needed to pow

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

End Israeli occupation, protect Palestinian human rights now

Israeli forces have escalated violence in the occupied West Bank recently, resulting in the tragic killing of a 13-year-old Palestinian child, Ghassan Gharib Zahran, and injuries to several others, including three more children. This unacceptable violence, coupled with the expansion of illegal settl

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Urgent humanitarian intervention needed to address Gaza genocide

The ongoing genocide in Gaza has caused immense suffering and loss of life, with estimates by The Lancet suggesting the death toll could be as high as 186,000 or more. This is a staggering figure that underscores the urgent need for a ceasefire and humanitarian intervention. Even if hostilities end

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Demand accountability for human rights abuses in Palestine-Israel conflict

As human beings, we must condemn the abhorrent practice of using civilians as human shields, which is a grave violation of international humanitarian law. The recent incident where a wounded Palestinian man, Mujahid Al-Abadi, was tied to an Israeli military vehicle and paraded through the streets is

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Defend free speech on Palestinian rights without retaliation

Protecting the right to free speech and peaceful protest is fundamental, yet there is a concerning trend of crackdowns and retaliation against those speaking out for Palestinian rights. From social media censorship of posts condemning Israeli violence, to threats and firings of students and educator

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Cease airstrikes and pursue diplomatic solution in Yemen crisis

The ongoing air strikes by the U.S. and UK on Yemen have proven ineffective and only serve to exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the country. These military actions will not deter the Houthi movement from their actions in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. Instead, they are worsening living co

Verified VoterEast Hampton, CT

Close Guantanamo Bay prison, end indefinite detention without trial

Guantanamo Bay prison has been a stain on America's human rights record for far too long. After two decades, 39 men still languish there without charge or trial, held indefinitely outside the regular judicial system. This violates fundamental principles of due process and human rights that our natio

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