Vote no on HR 9495
You must oppose HR 9495 . It is disastrous. Trump can't be given such power.
Tell Biden to Break Something for Democracy
Obviously, the re-election of Donald Trump is distressing given the threats he's made about what he'll do to democracy and to his opponents. As a Professor of Rhetoric who studies Nazism, fascism, and demagoguery, I'm particularly concerned about the potential for violence that rises as democratic n
Please investigate this. I am a cybersecurity professional and this checks out. Hand count the votes in the biggest wins and swing states.
Pass the Stop Wall Street Landlords Act
The housing crisis in our nation is reaching unprecedented levels, making homeownership increasingly out of reach for many hardworking individuals and families. A major contributor to this crisis is the unchecked activity of Wall Street firms and institutional investors who are treating homes as mer
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