Reject discriminatory anti-trans student bill protecting vulnerable youth
This proposed Senate Concurrent Resolution 1013 seeks to restrict access to school facilities based solely on biological sex at birth, disregarding gender identity or expression. Such measures have been widely condemned by health experts and anti-violence advocates as putting transgender and non-bin
Reject anti-trans legislation harming vulnerable youth
This proposed legislation SB1451 raises serious concerns about protecting the health and wellbeing of transgender youth. Current best practices and evidence-based standards of care support providing gender-affirming care, which has been shown to significantly reduce rates of depression, anxiety, and
Reject Internet Censorship Bill - Protects Free Speech
This proposed legislation HB2661 raises significant concerns regarding free expression and access to information. Mandating manufacturers install content filtering tools that censor broad categories of online material deemed "harmful to minors" is a form of censorship ripe for overbroad application
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