I have not heard one person with school aged kids that supports these vouchers, not a single one. I read comments on posts about the vouchers and I have yet to see anyone support it. Shouldn’t that tell you something? Do you care at all about what the actual people care about or just the 2 billio
I feel like every time I look at local Texas politics, we’re once again hearing about school choice and vouchers. It’s the dominant topic, but I’ve yet to see in on my ballot. Why won’t you let the voice of Texans be heard?? Let us put it to our own to vote and decide the future of our education sys
Subject: Opposition to School Voucher Programs
Subject: Opposition to School Voucher Programs I am writing to express my strong opposition to school voucher programs and urge you to reject any legislation that diverts public education funds to private schools. As a concerned constituent, I believe vouchers undermine our public education system,
Vote against private school vouchers! This will greatly harm education in this state, negatively impact communities and local economies. I don't want money funneled into religious propaganda "schools" where kids will be brainwashed and outcomes will be exceptionally poor. Release funding for public
Teacher Pay Raises
As a Texas educator, I am deeply concerned about the state of public education funding. Texas teachers have not seen a meaningful statewide salary increase in years, while the cost of living continues to rise. Many dedicated educators are struggling to stay in the profession due to stagnant wages an
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