To change laws and public policy at the federal, state, or local level.
Stand up for Ethics! Vote NO on Descovich!
To State Senates (Fla. only)
Vote NO on SB 1044
To State Senates (Fla. only)
Vote NO on HB 1639 and any other hate filled legislation
To State Governors & Legislatures (Fla. only)
Vote No on Tina Descovich for Ethics Commissioner
To State Senates (Fla. only)
VOTE NO to “Parental Rights” Legislation
To State Governors & Legislatures
Protect Academic Freedom Vote NO on SB266 HB 999
To State Senates (Fla. only)
Save our Public Schools - Vote NO on Universal School Vouchers/Choice
To State Governors & Legislatures
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