- United States
- Ind.
- Letter
This proposed legislation discriminates against transgender students by prohibiting them from participating in sports teams that align with their gender identity. It relies on an incorrect and outdated understanding of biology, conflating gender identity with sex assigned at birth. Numerous scientific and medical organizations recognize gender identity as a core aspect of one's identity that may differ from the sex they were designated at birth. This bill promotes harmful segregation and exclusion of an already marginalized group. Transgender students deserve equal opportunities to participate in athletics consistent with their authentic gender identity, like their cisgender peers. Denying them this right is demeaning, perpetuates stigma, and can have severe negative impacts on their mental health and wellbeing. I urge you to oppose this discriminatory legislation. All students should be able to freely participate in the affirmative experience of school athletics in an environment of respect, inclusion and support for who they are. Upholding the dignity and human rights of transgender youth should be a priority. Please stand against this attempt to codify transphobic discrimination into law.