  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Graham, Rep. Wilson, Sen. Scott

From: A verified voter in New Ellenton, SC

September 5

All of you reTrumplicans scream about abortion rights because it "kills children." Another lie! You OBVIOUSLY don't care about the lives of children! It's evidenced by your desire to allow everyone to have every kind of gun, including weapons of war, with very few controls. The tragedy from yesterday, just another day in mass shootings, that your "thoughts and prayers" don't help at all! Your hypocrisy relative to "caring about children" is so massive! How do you live with yourself?!? If it weren't for your constant lying and cheating, you would never be in charge. We are working hard to overcome your cheating! Your hypocrisy is astounding and I'm so ashamed that you "represent" the state I live in!

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