  1. United States
  2. Mont.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Daines, Sen. Tester, Rep. Rosendale

From: A verified voter in Helena, MT

May 31

I am weary of the GOP undermining the rule of law in this country. Donald Trump is now a convicted felon by a jury of his peers. The use of the word "rigged" is a clear call for violence at this point from his followers that act like a cult. It is dangerous. The fact that fundraisers went out from the GOP on the use of words like "sham" and "rigged" shows an absolute willingness to follow evil for power. It has to stop. The man is not allowed to vote. The man is not allowed to hold a security clearance. Call for him to leave the race. We all need a country freed from him. Let him take the consequences of his actions and let us all move forward without his constant division.

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