  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Evacuate all Manatee County Jail inmates for Hurricane Milton

To: Sen. Kaine, Sen. Warner, Rep. McClellan

From: A verified voter in Henrico, VA

October 9

The impending threat of Hurricane Milton demands immediate action to prioritize the safety and lives of all individuals, including incarcerated persons. As responsible members of society, it is our duty to ensure that vulnerable populations are not left behind in the face of such a catastrophic natural disaster. The decision by Manatee County Jail to potentially keep approximately 1,200 inmates within the Zone A evacuation area during a Category 4 hurricane is deeply concerning. Even with precautionary measures like stockpiling supplies and relocating inmates to higher floors, the risk of life-threatening conditions remains alarmingly high. The predicted 15-foot storm surge and destructive winds could potentially overwhelm the facility, putting lives in grave danger. We urge you to reconsider this stance and facilitate the safe evacuation of all inmates from the jail. These individuals, although incarcerated, are human beings who deserve the chance to seek refuge from the imminent peril posed by Hurricane Milton. Failing to evacuate them would be a dereliction of the government's fundamental responsibility to protect those under its care, regardless of their circumstances. The preservation of human life must be the paramount priority in such dire situations. We implore you to take immediate action to ensure the well-being of these vulnerable individuals by evacuating them to safer locations before it is too late. Let us not forget the inherent dignity and sanctity of every human life, and act accordingly to uphold these values in the face of this impending crisis.

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