Support Adeel Mangi's Confirmation for Federal Appeals Court
  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

Support Adeel Mangi's Confirmation for Federal Appeals Court

To: Sen. Rosen, Sen. Cortez Masto

From: A constituent in Las Vegas, NV

April 24

The current opposition to Adeel Mangi's nomination for the federal appeals court, primarily due to his association with the Alliance of Families for Justice, is concerning. This organization advocates for comprehensive criminal justice reform, a crucial issue in our society. Mangi's affiliation should be seen as a commitment to justice, not a liability. The opposition, including from law enforcement groups, seems to be rooted in a misunderstanding of the organization's mission. It is essential to separate individual actions from the broader goals of systemic reform. The White House has rightly dismissed these criticisms as unfounded. This is no time to partner with the abhorrent racism and ignorance of the Republicans who once again demonstrated how they legislate through fear and divisiveness. Therefore, it is requested to reconsider the opposition and support Mangi's confirmation, recognizing his potential to bring a fresh perspective to the judiciary. His confirmation would also mark a significant step towards representation and inclusivity.

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