"No" Vote on Saturday
  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

"No" Vote on Saturday

To: Sen. Kaine, Sen. Warner, Rep. McClellan

From: A constituent in Chesterfield, VA

April 19

gly opposed to a TikTok ban, as well as the large amount of support being sent to Israel. We have real problems right here in America and yet the 300 foo t view of our very own country seems to be invisible to elected officials. This is the third time that I am taking the time to contact you. Usually, I do not find need to contact my democrat elected officials, but I remain stron should be singled out for oversight of content and personal data with little to no cause. These seems to be an effort to suppress the most vulnerable voi A forced divestment of Tok Tok is nothing more than an American attempt to control American behavior. My body, my behaviors that do not infringe on other s oversight and possibly treason, please reconsider giving yourselves this extreme power. ces in America who have found community and assistance on TikTok, not to mention their income. In a time when past President Trump is accused of nefariou s, my community, and and my life belong to me. No one cares about truth social, X, and meta's threats to our privacy and data, but somehow thinks TikTok d uniquely, to be a place where I have true community and education. Please vote no to a forced divestment of TikTok, as well as the overspending in aid I'm disabled and need to be in community with my fellow disabled advocates. We have created this community and social safety net on TikTok. It's accessib le and creators can be paid. I do not use Facebook or Meta for anything. I am a responsible and patriotic advocate and have found TikTok, specifically an to Israel. instead consider a data protection act which will truly protect us. Thank you for the work you do. Be well.

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