  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Graham, Rep. Wilson, Sen. Scott

From: A verified voter in New Ellenton, SC

July 16

OK, you reTrumplicans need to STOP blaming President Biden and Democrats for the "assassination" attempt on your Dear Leader. You KNOW it had NOTHING to do with any Democrat! By saying, or supporting others who say that President Biden was responsible, you are CAUSING more violence! Trump is the one who pushes violence ALL THE TIME! He said he would pay legal fees for anyone who beats up anyone who says anything against tRump. He is the one convicted of sexual abuse (actually rape!)! He is the one who incited the violence on January 6th, and he took a couple of hours before he pulled back his personal army. And people DIED on January 6th and as a result of the actions on January 6th. You reTrumplicans are responsible! Plus, you all want everyone to have guns and even got rid of the restriction of people with mental illness being able to get guns. So, you scream and holler because a REPUBLICAN took a shot at your Dear Leader, but all the families of kids who have been killed in schools get are "thoughts and prayers." So, a young, white, republican shoots at your Dear Leader, and you blame Democrats. The hypocrisy is astounding. Every Democrat in Congress who has said anything in public has condemned this action. Every Democrat has acted with responsibility and stated that violence has no place in our Democracy. Every reTrumplican has ... not! Oh, and your not-so-supreme court has said that President Biden would be allowed to take this action with immunity because he would have been eliminating an existential threat to our Democracy. Let's go on with a couple more examples since you reTrumplicans don't seem to get the message. How about the man who attacked Paul Pelosi? He was looking for Nancy but since the wasn't there, he almost killed Paul. He did this because of all of the attacks tRump did on Nancy. Then there was the attempted kidnapping and death threats on Gretchen Whitmer because of tRump's violent rhetoric. I could go on. Do you get the point yet?!? Probably not. I'm so sick of the lies told by all reTrumplicans, whether you are in office, in the media, or any other source. It's you and your ilk that have driven our Country to the point we're at now. I'm so ashamed that you "represent" the state I live in.

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